New in DigiQuatics: Hourly (Daily) view

We are proud to announce an hourly (daily) view is now available for the schedule in DigiQuatics. The new hourly view is accessible in both build by employee and build by shift modes.

This view will allow you to view shifts on a start to end of day basis, this makes it much easier to determine if enough lifeguards, managers, or other park and recreation personnel are scheduled during critical times of the work day.

To see the schedule in hourly view mode simply navigate to the schedule builder page in DigiQuatics, and click "day" on the toggle button on the top right section of the schedule options.

Shift Mode


Employee Mode

Comment below and let us know what you think of the hourly view and what else could be added to further improve it.

Happy scheduling!


Preventive Maintenance Tactics


Best Practices: Managing Young Lifeguards