Updates February 26, 2018 Edition

Updates February 26, 2018 Edition

02 FEBRUARY 2018 on

Summer is right around the corner and the DigiQuatics team has been super busy getting the app ready for the biggest push of the year! We have a new module announcement and are looking for beta testers who are current customers of DigiQuatics, so be sure to check that out below.

Here's our most recent updates as far as the software goes:

  1. You can now add multiple (infinite) "admin notes" on employee profiles. For admins, these notes are only visible to super admins and for non-admins, these notes are only visible to admins and super admins.

  2. Open Shifts showing on the My Schedule page are now properly filtered by locations the employee has access to and also which positions the user has access to.

  3. Editing a checklist in the settings fixed default Location selector.

  4. If Private Lessons Module is disabled, a warning will indicate as such on the Private Lesson Portal page for patrons.

  5. Adjusted "notes" field label on Private Lesson Request form to read "Special Accomodations or Requests" for improved usability.

  6. Patron Counts export to Excel now handled via background job and delivered by email with a link to download the file (make sure you receive these emails by "white-listing" our notifications or adding us as a contact).

  7. You can now add (multiple) comments to Chemical Records for a "paper trail" of any action taken to fix any issues related to that record.

  8. Fixed checklist not saving bug due to task name length of Checklist

  9. Employees export to Excel now handled via background job and delivered by email with a link to download the file (again, please make sure you receive these emails by "white-listing" our notifications or adding us as a contact).

  10. You can now add (multiple) comments to Maintenance Issues for a "paper trail" and communication around that Issue.

  11. Lowered data validation low limit on Pool Temp field on Chemical Record form to 32 degrees (F) by customer request.

  12. Power editor for Patron Counts allows you to enter multiple Patron Counts at once, for example entering for the previous day all at one time.

  13. Added time stamp at the end of import email notifications to prevent "thread hiding" of latest emails.

  14. Shift Reports page now has a "close" button on each Shift Report so you can quickly close multiple reports.

  15. Primary location(s) and non-primary location(s) now have separate columns on employee import and export spreadsheets for easier onboarding experience and bulk editing.

  16. Renamed Certification Names to Certification Type via Friends of DigiQuatics Facebook Group (help us develop ideas for new stuff!)

  17. Renamed Attendance Records to Patron Counts

  18. Email notifications now have "reply-tos" so users can simply reply to an email notification and the reply should go to the appropriate person. For example if you reply to a Sub Request email notification it will go back to the person who requested the sub.

  19. Delete schedule button (with confirmation of course) deletes all shifts in the current view (day, week, month / employee, shift)

  20. Internet Explorer 11 compatability fixes

  21. Open Sub Requests page now filtered by position(s) assigned to the user. Admins still see all Open Sub Requests at their location(s).

  22. Open Shifts page now filtered by position(s) assigned to the user. Admins still see all Open Shifts at their location(s).

  23. Bug fix last week of month view not showing on various months.

  24. Chemical Record export names headers for custom fields correctly.

  25. You can delete Patron Count Zones if a mistake was made entering them.

  26. Inactivating pools during the off-season hides them from the dashboard, Chemical Records pages but keep the pool data for the next season.

The biggest update recently is our newest module for Household & Member Management! This module will lay the groundwork for tons of additional opportunities in DigiQuatics. For example, Group Lessons module is currently in development, but we had to get the Household & Member management side of it done first.

We are also really excited to start working on "Check In / Out" features for members and households for our customers that don't have established registration software systems like RecTrac or ACTIVENet to keep track of memberships and patrons.

If you're interested in helping provide feedback so we can continue to improve Household & Member Management, simply send us a message on Intercom (chat bubble in the lower-right once you sign in to Digi) and we will get you set up!


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