DigiQuatics Update: February Edition


As we approach March, the pressure and excitement of summer is increasing. Everyone on the DigiQuatics team is working hard to ship as many new features, updates, and bug fixes before the rush of summer is upon us.

Today's Product Update is larger than usual, and we're excited to announce the improvements we've pushed in the past month! You'll find major improvements and information on:

  • Features & UI/UX

  • Bug Fixes

  • New Resources

  • General Announcements / Information

1) Features & UI/UX


  • Employees can now receive text message notifications for expiring certifications, this setting can be adjusted on each employees My Notifications page

  • Inactive employees will no longer receive text or email alerts for upcoming expirations

Chemical Records

  • Added a "+" sign next to the pool select on chemical records for near instant creation of additional pools directly from that page

Employee Management

  • Added additional sizing options for uniforms

  • Added a statistical view for all uniform sizing options across your facilities, this can be accessed under "Options" on the employees' page

Maintenance Issues

  • Added maintenance issues permissions to each employee, easily toggle access on each employee's profile or the permissions page for employees

Patron Counts

  • The new patron counts form now supports dynamic location changing

  • Added the ability to create a new zone for a location directly from the patron counts page

Private Lessons

  • Updated language around primary contact / parent availability to reduce confusion when requesting new private lessons


  • Added a "+" sign next to the position select on the schedule for near instant creation of additional employee positions directly from that page

Time Clock

  • Email and text reminders for missed clock ins or outs, these can be setup on each employee's My Notifications page

  • Time clock records can now be exported into Excel format (each employee has their own tab)

  • The current pay rate assigned to an employee is pulled in on each time clock record, so changing their pay rate over time will not alter their old time clock records

2) Bug Fixes

  • Duplicate employees on the schedule (employee view) PDF

  • Checklist edit not savings changes to days of tasks

  • Removed inactive employees from showing in the private lesson employee assignment list

  • Fixed bug with employees' birthdays causing an error message on their profile

  • Fixed issue preventing some browsers / networks from rendering the correct styling on toggles / switches throughout the app

3) New Resources

We are proud to announce we are now using a dedicated help center for DigiQuatics. Here, your employees' and supervisors will be able to find help to common questions, problems, and more. You can check out the help center here. As the same questions and problems come up we will continue to add them to the help center and build out this resource.

4) General Announcements / Information

  • DigiQuatics attended the Association of Aquatics Professionals Conference this year, you can read all about it here

  • DigiQuatics also attended the Texas Public Pool Council Conference this year, you can read all about it here

  • We hosted the second Think Tank for DigiQuatics. These events allow us to talk to customers from all over the country to brainstorm, design, and put our heads together to ensure the newest features in DigiQuatics are designed with the needs of aquatics in mind. You can view the latest meetings notes here, if you are interesting in participating in the next Think Tank please email us at team@digiquatics.com.

Closing Remarks

We did not mention open shifts above, open shifts is nearly complete and we plan on releasing that feature early next month. Open shifts will replace the need to have "dummy" users to assign shifts that need to be picked up from staff. We also are close to releasing multiple location assignment for employees. This will give supervisors the ability of assigning X number of locations per employee.

Summer 2017 is going to be our biggest summer ever. Since the beginning of 2017 we have been dedicated in tightening up the product road map, hiring top developers to help us improve the app and add valuable features to DigiQuatics, and formalize many of our internal and external processes for the ultimate goal of providing the best possible experience to our users. Keep a look out for the major changes coming down the pipeline before summer such as a time clock portal that uses employee IDs, major improvements to scheduling, and new modules such as preventative maintenance.



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