Product Updates Summary November 2016

We've had a busy November and are excited to announce several new updates for you!

Time Clock Module

  • GPS is now officially live for employee clock in and out! To enable GPS please go to the Time Clock Module on the Settings page to turn this feature on. Also, be sure to add a valid address to each of your locations you want to utilize for GPS Time Clock. If the address has already been entered, you will need to "Update" the Location for it to set the GPS coordinates. You should see a note that says "Address verified for GPS" to make sure this is configured correctly. Note: WiFi will improve the GPS location lookup's speed and accuracy.

  • Notes can now be added to employee clock in and outs for supervisors to see.

  • Employee ID is now included on Time Clock export

  • Export will now include labor cost per shift as well as position and grand totals for any position with an hourly rate added.

  • We have updated several of the "backend" sections for this module. You should notice improved speed and usability for this module.

Scheduling Module (Employee Availability)

  • Employees can now add repeating availabilities in DigiQuatics! They still have the flexibility to enter in individual days or several weeks at a time. For example, available 5am-10am every Monday Aug 1 - Dec 31.

Employee Module

  • Improved Employee List view for desktop, tablet, and mobile views. We are now utilizing first and last name initial "avatar" pictures for each staff member without a profile picture.

  • You can now mass import employees into DigiQuatics! Navigate over to the Employee page and click the small downward arrow next to the "Add Employee" button to get started. Pro tip: This feature can be used to mass update employee data. This is only available for Super Admins.

Certifications Module

  • You can now mass import employee certifications into DigiQuatics! Simply click the "Import" button on the Certification page to get started. This is only available for Super Admins.

Chemical Records Module

  • Added Combined Chlorine calculation to Chemical Record page.

General App

  • Speed improvements throughout the app

  • User Interface / User Experience (UI/UX) tweaks

  • Small bug fixes

Questions / Involvement

As always, we live off of your valuable feedback. Please comment below with your thoughts and if you have any questions or additional feedback for us. We would like to ask a few questions:

  1. Do you think it makes sense to format names Michael Pierce or Pierce, Michael throughout the app?

  2. Would it be beneficial to have a default hourly rate for each position? Then if it was not set on the employee position it would calculate the labor cost with the default.

  3. Would adding "bather load" to Chemical Records be beneficial for analytics and general info, rather than using a custom field?

  4. We still need feedback on the idea of per employee pricing (we will grandfather everyone in to the current pricing, unless otherwise desired). Please fill out the survey here and we will send a free DigiQuatics t-shirt if you specify your contact information and shirt size in the survey!


Update and Product Roadmap


Product Updates November 11th, 2016