Recommendations for How Often to Run Lifeguard In-Service Training?


“I'm looking into changing our monthly inservices from one day a month to two offerings (only one needed to attend). Any recommendations that work well for you?”

Answer 1:

I try to stagger my offerings! If one is a weekday evening, I try to do the other as a weekend morning/afternoon.

Answer 2:

We do one in-service day with 3 groups and several instructors teaching different skills and drilling them.

If a staff member requests the day off, can’t make it, etc., then we print out the agenda and they have to complete the training on one of their next workdays and get it signed off by a lifeguard instructor and submitted to the managers.

Answer 3:

Inservice is 1st and 3rd Sundays 7-9 pm, makeup offered on the 2nd Thursday night 7-9 pm, and the 4th Saturday 8-10 am.

Staff must attend 2 per month, they sign up on a google doc then it is added to their schedule. The facility closes at 7 pm on Sunday so that night works best to have the whole space to ourselves.

Answer 4:

We offered a Tuesday night training, 8-10pm & Saturday evening, 7-9 pm each month. Staff appreciated the flexibility to choose a day that worked for them. I had approximately 100 employees on staff.

Answer 5:

We offer 8 a month. Every Saturday from 7:30 to 9:30am and every Sunday from 930 to 1130am. This keeps groups small and works to work around my teams crazy extracurricular activities.

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