2017 Year in Review
2017 was an incredible year for us here at DigiQuatics! We have tripled our customer base and are on an amazing growth curve for 2018. Our vision has only gotten stronger around making DigiQuatics the best app possible for your aquatics department and to truly change the aquatics industry forever. We will not rest until we are in every state and the "go-to" standard in the industry.
Check out the stats from 2017 below:
Added 76 new organizations
10,856 aquatics professions are now using the DigiQuatics platform
DigiQuatics is now being used by organizations across 31 states and 2 countries.
We now have organizations in the following industry segments: swim clubs, YMCAs, colleges / universities, pool service / management, private park districts, municipalities, swim schools, waterparks, and Boy's and Girl's Clubs.
Time and Paper Savings Stats
51,039 estimated hours saved by leveraging mobile technology and software
218,704 estimated sheets of paper saved by going "green" / "digital"
App Usage Stats
319,570 shifts scheduled
233,421 availabilities entered
113,400 employee time clock records
112,931 chemical records or "pool logs" completed
85,189 patron counts
20,455 sub requests or "shift trades"
19,619 checklists completed
10,538 time off requests submitted
8,037 messages sent from the app
6,145 shift reports
3,596 certifications tracked
1,732 maintenance requests
1,240 slide inspections
1,182 private lessons
113 files uploaded to "Digi-Storage"
Our goal is to double in 2018 and to have 40 states using our product. To do this, we plan on doubling down on product development and releasing features to the app that push the boundaries of aquatics management.
We truly appreciate all the feedback from the aquatics community that makes this all possible. You have given us an amazing opportunity to create something valuable and give us a purpose.
If you haven't already, subscribe to the blog below and follow us on social media to continue to learn about what we are up to!
Looking forward to an amazing 2018!
Josh, Michael, and the DigiQuatics team