Best Practices for Waxing Pool Water Slides?
“I am curious how everyone is waxing their commercial body slides? Do people outsource the work or use in-house lifeguards? Which tools or products do you recommend?”
Answer 1:
I’ve done the slides at my pool. I used Turtle Wax and rags/sponges. Just like waxing a car. Rub in using a circular pattern, let it glaze over, and then wipe it off with a clean rag/sponge.
Answer 2:
We used in-house lifeguards at my previous facility with just turtle wax and rags. Later we got a small buffer that we let the supervisors use. At my current facility, the aquatic maintenance team handles it so it is still done in-house just not by the lifeguards.
Answer 3:
Guards do it, we use marine wax per a contractor's recommendation when we got our gel coat redone.
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