Common aquatics FAQs along with answers from members of the aquatics community.
Using a Middle Tier for Lifeguard Development and Advancement?
Aquatics question: Does anyone have a middle tier for lifeguards to provide development and advancement opportunities?
Should I Hire Staff Before They Get Certified?
Aquatics question: Should I hire lifeguards before they are certified?
How Do You Structure Lifeguard Pool Rotations?
Aquatics question: How do you structure lifeguard pool rotations and how to communicate that with staff?
How Do You Manage Lifeguard Pool Rotations?
Aquatics question: How do you manage lifeguard pool rotations and how to communicate that with staff?
Are There Guidelines for Guards Stands on Pool Decks?
Aquatics question: Are There Guidelines for Guards Stands on Pool Decks?
Recommendations for How Often to Run Lifeguard In-Service Training?
Aquatics question: I'm looking into changing our monthly in-service training sessions from one day a month to two offerings (only one needed to attend). Any recommendations that work well for your pool staff?
Who Should Oversee Your Pool Admissions Staff?
Aquatics question: Does the person who oversees your pool staff also oversee your admissions staff?
Aquatic Interns: Job Description or Duties?
Aquatics question: For an aquatic intern, what type of job description or job duties they would perform? Or do you just go off of what the school offers?
Best Practices for Waxing Pool Water Slides?
Aquatics question: I am curious how everyone is waxing their commercial body slides? Do people outsource the work or use in-house lifeguards? Which tools or products do you recommend?
How Much Do You Pay an Instructor to Teach Lifeguard Classes?
Aquatics question: What's the typical cost you'd pay an instructor to run a lifeguard class?
How Do You Handle Your Pool Slide Rules With Height?
Aquatics question: How do you handle your slide rules with height?
Pool Filter Basket Constantly Plugged
Aquatics question: We are constantly dealing with cotton fibers plugging up our filter basket. Has anyone figured out a way to prevent/manage this?
How to Best Clean (Pool) Floor Tiles?
Aquatics question: Ideas for how to clean floor tile in an aquatics facility.