Why You Should Use Social Media For Your Swimming Pool
A critical component of a successful swimming pool is a strong marketing strategy. While there are dozens of marketing strategies you could try, one that you should never overlook is social media…
Hiring? Here are the Best Places to Find Pool Staff
One challenging aspect of managing a swimming pool is finding certified, experienced, and friendly staff members. Luckily, you don’t have to wait for excellent staff members to walk through your pool’s front doors. There are several ways you can find these highly-qualified individuals…
Storage Solutions For Your Pool’s Most Important Files
Documents, checklists, and notes can leave you in a big pile of clutter and feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed. Fortunately, DigiQuatics can help you conquer all of that with a critical set of tools…
3 Risk Management Practices for Your Swimming Pool
While you want your swimming pool to be a fun, relaxing place for patrons, accidents and tragedies can happen. The safety of all your guests and staff members must be your top priority…
5 Smart Ways to Recruit Lifeguards
While in the middle of peak season for pool weather, many aquatics managers will be struggling to recruit from a limited selection of high-quality lifeguards.
These handy tips will keep you from sinking in the deep end during those busy summer months.